Is there a limit to the size of the bicycle?

26 Jul 2021
Views 92

Our air transport bicycle case is suitable for 'ROAD sizes 44–56 / Mountain Bicycle (MTB): 26-inch wheels, 27.5-inch wheels'. Below, I'd like to inform you in detail by bicycle size. 

Road Bicycle (ROAD): Size -44

Road Bicycle (ROAD): Size 44–56 

Road Bicycle : Size 58 (additional disassembly of the bike may be required) 

Mountain Bicycle (MTB): 26-inch Wheels

Mountain Bicycle (MTB): 27.5-inch Wheel  

Mountain Bicycle (MTB): 29-inch wheels (additional disassembly of the bike may be required) 

Living Bicycle/Hybrid: 700 C (27.5 in.) Series 

Living Bicycle/Hybrid: Large Size over 185 height (Additional decomposition such as handle may be required.) 

Folding other than brompton: You can rent a case, but you need to prepare the inner packaging yourself for safe packaging. 

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